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ESMI e-newsletter: Haiti's Crisis and the Church's Resilience
Friday, May 31, 2024

"And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus."~Philippians 4:19 (ESV)

Dear Ministry Partners, As we reflect on the past two months, we are filled with immense gratitude in seeing God's abundant grace at work. Because of your fervent prayers and generous financial support, you enabled ESMI to assist countless individuals by meeting both their spiritual and physical needs. Your continuous support and generosity enabled us to stand in gap with our brothers and sisters during these challenging times. We are deeply thankful to God for your partnership in spreading the Gospel in word and deed.


Several of you have been praying for the four ESMI food containers in Port-au-Prince. We praise God that the second week in April, those containers were released. ESMI retrieved these safely and transported over 1,200,000 meals via large trucks to four departments/states: two in the north and two in the south. To get around the gangs, we sometimes used boats to transport our trucks. Then in certain regions, ESMI dispatched 100 motorcycles stocked with food to distribute locally. With the motorcycles, the pastors are able to use back roads away from the gangs. Thus, food distribution was done via land and sea. By God's grace, none of these meals were stolen, and no harm has come to any of the leaders overseeing the distribution. To Him be the glory!

With the resources you provided, ESMI/MERH leaders continued to buy food in bulk locally, stored these in warehouses, repacked the food items in smaller bags and then distributed discretely to the different churches to give to their communities.

Your generosity empowered ESMI/MERH pastors to provide food not only to their communities but also meals to the children in schools, and to extend special care to the elderly and those most vulnerable, namely those who had to flee Port-au-Prince, and arrived in new communites with nothing.

Because you gave so generously, ESMI has fed over 100,000 families. To God be the glory!

Water Sanitation Donations

In early May, I traveled back to Haiti, via the Dominican Republic. There in Gonaives, twenty-three of our children were hopitalized due to lack of clean water. The gangs' control of Port-au-Prince hindered the water trucks from getting to communities such as Gonaives. Access to clean water was evidently another great need. Because of your partnership, ESMI donated 10 new compact water purifying units. Thanks for making these donations possible. We praise God that all twenty-three children are out of the hospital and back at the children's center.

Health Camps to Provide Medical Care

The healthcare in Haiti is extremely limited. This problem was multiplied ten-fold with gang's control of the nation's capital. In the month of May, our ESMI medical team held three health camps in Cavaillon, Cayes, and Gonaives and served over 2,500 people. Your unwavering support made this possible. Thank you.

New Church Plant in Gonaives

Yes, amidst all the uncerntainties in Haiti, God has called ESMI to evanglism by training leaders to plant churches. ESMI is currently planting another church in Gonaives. This is one of three church plants under contrustion this month.

As ESMI/MERH pastors and leaders minister in deed, they have the opportunity to share the Gospel. The latest reports from the presbyteries in each department believes that over 1,000 have come to know Christ since the relief effort. To God be the glory!


Celebrating the Life of Fanuel St. Germain

Our dear Fanuel went home to be with the Lord on Saturday, April 13, 2024. He had not been well for the past two years and succumbed to his illness. Everyone who knew Fanuel knew he had a big servant heart. He always had a smile as he served. We will miss him dearly but know we will see him again in glory. He joins our dear friend, Ana, who passed away in January; and anothe dear friend, Mais, who we first shared the gospel with in Jeremie. Mais passed on to glory last Wednesday, May 22.


*Praise God for the security and safety He has provided for our pastors and leaders as they deliver food. Continued prayers for their safety in the relief effort.

*Praise God for each and everyone who donated generously and made it possible to purchase food to minister to over 100,000 people.

* With over one million Haitians leaving Port-au-Prince and moving into the different departments, we are faced once again with a housing issue. Pray that God will provide for these communities. We are currently building a home for one of the pastors who lost his home. Praise God for this donation.*Wisdom for the new provisional government and newly elected prime minister to organize and execute the next presidential election soon.

*Pray for the Kenyan-led peace-keeping force that should be arriving soon in Haiti.

*Due to the closure of the Dominican Republic borders, the country is now in great need of medical supplies. We currently have 210 pounds of medication waiting to be delivered. Thankful for this provision.

*Salvation for the different prominent gang-leaders and for the much needed security in the island.

*Continued funding for the food drive as we estimate the ongoing need for another month.

*Praise God that ESMI's four containers with about 1,200,000 meals were released and safely delivered to all four departments. 

Thank you once again for your fervent prayers and overwhelming generosity. God has used you to encourage our pastors who are on the frontlines. We still need your help. Please continue to support this effort by clicking the button below.

Haiti Relief Effort


Serving the Haitian communities in Haiti, North America, and the Dominican Republic through leadership development and church planting!


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Send a check to:
El Shaddai Ministries Int'l, Inc.
c/o The Keyes Company
2121 SW 3rd Avenue, Suite 100
Miami, FL 33129

Please note new suite number, 100, when mailing checks.

(See the full newsletter here)

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To be a Christ centered ministry providing Haiti with passionate church leaders and to establish a network of Haitian churches that are spiritually healthy, evangelical and self-sustaining.
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