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Summer Update
Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Matthew 28:18-20
The Great Commission - Eternal Promises
 * Jesus has ALL authority in heaven and on earth
* Jesus commands us to go to ALL nations
* Jesus commands us to teach ALL Scripture
* Jesus promises to be with us ALWAYS!
Dear Ministry Partner,
I praise God for the way He is using our partnership to constantly make a difference in Haiti in spite of the strenous and heart-breaking conditions being faced.  As a ministry, we keep moving forward with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, knowing He is Haiti's only Hope. We keep moving forward in training and teaching men to be true to the preaching of God's Word.  Evangelism through church planting and leadership develpment remains ESMI's primary focus, so that the Church in Haiti will continue to share the Message of Hope.

What's happening in Haiti? First, the politcal situation: Haiti is still without a president and therefore, no parliament.  Because of the politcial uncertainty, many are fleeing Haiti by the thousands.  They are seeking opportunities in South and Central America, and then trying to cross into the USA through the Mexican border. 

Secondly, the gangs have taken over parts of Port-au-Prince and the Western department.  As I drove from the Port-au-Prince airport, one could not miss the hundreds of people who have made the public park their home because the gangs have made it difficult to remain in their neighborhoods.  Transporting food from the capital to the provinces is hard.  Either we wait for the gang leaders to show mercy and open the roads, or we pay the high "fees" to pass their check-points. Kidnapping is still happening in those areas.  

Thirdly, inflation is affecting everyone. Hard to believe, but I paid $50US for one gallon of gas last week in Jeremie!  In Cayes, it is $25US.  People are suffering. They are hungry and they are fearful.  While in Jeremie, I spoke with Jean. He was so discouraged with how difficult life is that he does not see a purpose to keep living.  He can't find food to feed his family of 10.  Most nights, they go to bed hungry and wake up hungry.  For now, he and his family are surviving only on mangoes and water; but the mango season is almost over, and what will be next...

Will you partner with ESMI in helping families, like Jean, find some relief as they go through this difficult time by participating in this matching fund food drive?  Click the DONATE NOW button on the website and head to Disaster Relief.  Grateful to the two families who made this possible; and thank you in advance for your prayers and financial support.


$50,000 Matching Fund Food Drive

September 14 - October 14, 2022



EVANGELISM: Church Planting & Leadership Development

*Since our last update, ESMI has done six pastoral leadership trainings: two in the Dominican Republic, three in Haiti, and one in Montreal, Canada. By God's grace, we hope to start a ministry in the Dominican Republic but first, we are training leaders. Photo to right: Pastoral training in Montreal, Canada

*The pastoral training in Mirebalais, Central Plateau is steadily growing. Thanks to ESMI's partnership with Haiti Hope Alliance, there is now a need to construct a training center.  This will also serve as an extension of the University of Jeremie's seminary. HHA's video explains why ESMI empahsizes the training of pastors.

MERH: General Assembly

*Thanks to everyone who prayed for the denomination's second annual convention. Over 3,000 people were present on Saturday night. It was truly a grand event in Jeremie. God was exalted and everyone present was nourished with the preaching of the Word by Pastors Ted Powers and Bresile St. Germain. Over the three days, services started from 6:00am to 10:00pm.


"Group" Wedding is always a special event at the convention.  A couple years ago, Lisa Melton gave her wedding dress for this event.  What an encouragement it was to bless this lovely bride in Jeremie!  About 9 couples were married that day.  


*Praise the Lord that ALL our students in the Children's Centers in Gonaives and Jeremie who took the National Exam, passed. Thanks to the teachers and to so many who contributed to the daily care of these children. (Photo: Transition Home Boys enjoying a meal with Mt. Carmel Church team in June)

*50% of the students who took this National Exam failed. Many who submitted aplications to enroll in University of Jeremie this fall, had to withdraw due to their failure.  Just in recent days, the government announced that school will not reopen in September but in October as parents are unable to find the resources for their children to return to school.  

*ESMI would like to help 15 schools, with 2,300 students and over 213 teachers, in the Artibonite/Gonaives area to reopen. This will cost about $40,000 and will include a hot meal for the students.  

EMPATHY: Earthquake Update

Because of your partnership, ESMI was able to rebuild homes for 22 families. Thanks to each and everyone of you who made this possible. One church raised over and beyond the $10,000 needed. Their extra fund will provide community restrooms for the Julius Family neighborhood. The ESMI list has now grown from 36 to 100 homes needed. Pray with us for God's provision for the remaining 78 homes. He is able!  

Widows Village:

Many of our children at the Children's Center/Village have never experienced a family unit.  Thanks to our ministry partner, the Widow's Village has 20 apartments.  This will be the new home for 20 widows and 40 young girls transitioning out of the orphanage.  Pray with us that this these women will pass on to our young ladies life skills needed as they go out on their own. 


Sunday, September 11, was a very special day for El Shaddai Community Church. This church was particularized with the ordination of ruling elders and the installation of Dony St. Germain as the lead pastor. We are grateful to the Lord for blessing the church in this way. This is the beginning of what we hope will be the first of more churches to be planted in this community and beyond!  ESCC's Mission Statement: "Growing Together in Christ, to Transform Our Community for Christ."  Pray with us toward that end.

Praise & Prayer Requests

*Please continue to prayer for Haiti. It is in these darkest moments that the Light of the Gospel will shine brightly. Thank you for coming alongside ESMI. By God's grace we will keep moving forward in teaching and serving the Church in Haiti.*Pray for the success of the $50,000 Matching Fund Food Drive to assist many families.  

*Pray that God will provide the $40,000 needed to assist the 15 schools, in the Artibonite Department (Gonaives), with 2,300 students to reopen for 2022-2023.  

*Praise God for the 5 widows ESMI has identified to be part of the Widow's Village. Pray for wisdom in selecting the remaining 15 widows.

*Praise God for the particularization of El Shaddai Community Church in Winter Haven, Florida. God has been using the ESCC church and her members to minister to many families coming across the border.  One family has taken in two families and working overtime to help meet the added needs in the home.  Another family has had at least two families pass through their home since the summer.  He and his wife helped each family to find jobs and housing. Grateful for the compassion being shown by our Haitian community in Central Florida. Pray for these new families and for God's provision.

*Now that El Shaddai Community Church is particularized, pray for God's wisdom as we strategize to reach the 2nd geneartion by building a Youth Center, and planting other churches in Central Florida for God's glory!


* Thanks for keeping Fanuel in your daily prayers.  When Fanuel arrived in the Dominican Republic, his situation was dire.  He was unable to move his hands and feet.  Doctors thought he would never recover.  But by God's grace, and the fervent prayers of many, he is able to move his upper body.  On Sunday, he made small steps.  God is able to do what man sees as impossible!  To Him be the glory!
(Photo- L-R: Mary Phil, Fanuel, and Fanuelson) 


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Send a check to:
El Shaddai Ministries Int'l, Inc.
c/o The Keyes Company
2121 SW 3rd Avenue, Suite 101
Miami, FL 33129

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    • 10/13/2023 - Special Update from Pastor Don
    • 06/12/2023 - Earthquake Relief Update
    • 06/12/2023 - Haiti: Bad News Amidst Good Ne
    • 02/07/2023 - Food Crisis: Matching Fund Foo
    • 01/01/2023 - A Look Back at 2022
    • 09/14/2022 - Summer Update
    • 04/21/2022 - Spring Update
    • 12/30/2021 - Year In Review
    • 10/18/2021 - Looking-Beyond-Haitis-Turmoil
    • 09/27/2021 - Phase III - $500,000 Matching
    • 09/06/2021 - Bless the Lord, O My Soul Mon
    • 08/31/2021 - Rebuilding SW Haiti - The Long
    • 08/27/2021 - Because You Gave Generously...
    • 08/25/2021 - Serving the Nippes Communities
    • 08/22/2021 - Worshiping God in the Midst of
    • 08/20/2021 - Marveling at God's Faithful Pr
    • 08/19/2021 - Earthquake Update: Thursday, A
    • 08/17/2021 - Earthquake Update: Tuesday, Au
    • 08/16/2021 - Earthquake Update: Monday, Aug
    • 08/14/2021 - Today's 7.2 Magnitude Earthqua
    • 03/03/2021 - $50,000 Matching Fund Food Dri
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    • 01/11/2020 - Happy New Year 2020!
    • 12/19/2019 - God's Intervention - Answered
    • 12/02/2019 - Thanksgiving Update - Food Rel
    • 11/26/2019 - $50k Matching Fund
    • 11/26/2019 - Update-Food Relief Effort
    • 11/02/2019 - Haiti-ESMI Prayer Request
    • 10/24/2019 - Haiti - A Country in Turmoil,
    • 10/08/2019 - Keep Praying With Me for Haiti
    • 10/04/2019 - Help Me Pray for Haiti
    • 09/27/2019 - Update from Dony and Sharon St
    • 05/21/2019 - Haiti News Spring 2019
    • 04/23/2019 - CLT March 2019 Board Meeting
    • 03/06/2019 - March Update: Continued Constr
    • 02/20/2019 - Feb Update: New Church Buildin
    • 02/07/2019 - Another Gonaives Church Plant
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To be a Christ centered ministry providing Haiti with passionate church leaders and to establish a network of Haitian churches that are spiritually healthy, evangelical and self-sustaining.
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